Author Archives: Elizabeth
24 March 2009
Susan Dray: A portrait for Ada Lovelace Day
A few months ago I made a pledge to participate in Ada Lovelace Day . This project asks bloggers to dedicate March 24 to blogging about women who excel in technology, to help provide girls and young women with role models in a variety of technological fields. I honor Ada Lovelace Day today by writing [...]
at 20 March 2009
Hold the elevator!
Go to a conference on human factors or human-computer interaction, and I bet you’ll find that the most common elevator topic is the design of the button panel in the conference hotel’s elevators.
The Web is full of thoughts on elevator buttons. A Google search on the phrase “elevator buttons” returns “about 49,000″ hits. Although some [...]
24 March 2009
The personality of a blog