Category Archives: government
17 August 2013
“Usability in Govt Sys” book review from Society for Technical Communication
The Society for Technical Communication has published a review of my book.
The June 2013 issue of Technical Communication Online, STC’s Journal, contains a review of Usability in Government Systems: User Experience Design for Citizens and Public Servants, the book from Morgan Kaufmann Press that Dianne Murray and I edited. The review, written by STC [...]
at 11 May 2012
We Are All Stakeholders
Can you think of anyone whose life is not affected by government information and communications technology? Anyone at all?
Even in the farthest reaches of the remotest areas, even when a population is completely isolated from the outside world, people’s lives are affected by the policies and procedures of the government that administers the area in [...]
posted by 02:05 Leave a comment
at 2 December 2011
Usability in Government Systems — A Forthcoming Book
Just before US Thanksgiving of 2011, my co-editor and I delivered to our publisher the manuscript of a new book on usability in government systems. Two and a half years after Dianne Murray suggested doing a book and we chose the topic — and six weeks after I began the most intensive period of work [...]
at 12 July 2011
My Comment to the White House on Federal Websites
Today at 4pm EDT (I’m writing this about 5-6 hours earlier) the White House will have a live chat on improving Federal websites. I plan to be there.
I put in a comment via the form at Here’s essentially* what I said:
The problem is not so much the number of Federal domains (although I agree [...]
posted by 10:07 Leave a comment
30 March 2015
Calibrating web design for citizens: The value of user testing for government websites