Category Archives: UX design
8 October 2009
When Alphabetical Order Is Not Logical
Every so often, the question comes up among interaction designers and usability professionals regarding whether alphabetical order is a logical order. (See, for example, the February 2009 discussion on the Interaction Design list.) We’ve all seen numerous lists that appear in alphabetical order (and in which it makes sense): country, state, surname, street name, auto [...]
at 14 July 2009
Lorem Ipsum, Anguish Languish — or realistic text?
“Hoe-cake, murder,” resplendent Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, an tickle ladle basking an stuttered oft.
Today I tweeted* the above quote from my favorite playful work on the English language: “Ladle Rat Rotten Hut” , from Anguish Languish, the 1950s work by Howard L. Chace. That tweet generated brief Twitter conversations regarding the use of dummy text [...]
posted by 06:07 Tagged Anguish Languish, dummy text, interaction design, interface design, Ladle Rat Rotten Hut, Lorem Ipsum, wireframes 1 Comment
at 27 June 2009
The Unbearable Rightness of Catastrophizing
Most people think of catastrophizing as a way of thinking that healthy people avoid. The online dictionaries agree. Wiktionary, for example, defines the act as “to regard a bad situation as if it were disastrous or catastrophic”; Go-Dictionary has it as “to envisage a situation as being worse than it is”. Clearly they’re seeing it [...]
posted by 01:06 Tagged expert review, usability assessment, usability evaluation, usability review, UX design 1 Comment
21 July 2011
Chromostereopsis in UX Design: A blog entry for comments