Tag Archives: SIGCHI
27 September 2009
So you’ve volunteered to review for the CHI 2010 UX Community
I’m delighted to say that, in addition to seasoned CHI-goers, I’ve recruited as CHI 2010 reviewers a number of strong UX practitioners who are new to CHI reviewing. Many of you have asked me what is involved in reviewing for CHI. Rather than answer you all individually, I am posting the information here.
Reviewing Process
The first [...]
at 27 September 2009
CFP: CHI 2010 Workshop on Researcher-Practitioner Interaction
Workshop Overview
This workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners of human-computer interaction to explore whether and to what extent difficulties exist between them — and, if so, will endeavor to identify the dimensions of the problems and propose possible solutions. On the one hand, we will work to articulate factors that may render the research [...]
8 October 2010
A Seminar and a Panelist Statement