Help eBay buyers find your other auctions

Do you sell on eBay? Do you ever put up two or more related items at the same time? If so, consider linking your items to each other. This will make it easier for buyers to find all of your items — much easier for them than clicking “View seller’s other items” when they have no idea what your other items might be. (Note: You have to do it immediately after you start your auctions, and the technique requires some knowledge of HTML.)

Last night I put up four items, in separate auctions. I use GarageSale, a Macintosh application for eBay, to prepare my auctions off line. When these four were ready, I uploaded them all within a few minutes of each other. Then I linked each of them to the other three. Here’s what one of them looks like:

(The yellow box is just to highlight the area of interest, of course.)

Here’s how to do it:

1. Create in each auction an unordered list that includes the titles of each of the other three auctions. It’ll have to be just a plain-text list at first, because you don’t know yet what the URLs are going to be on eBay. Here’s how that looks in my example:

2. When all four auctions are up on eBay, open each one in its own browser tab, to make the eBay URLs easily available. Here’s what that looks like:

3. For each one, click the “Revise your item” link, which appears at the top of listings that have no bids yet. Once an item has a bid, you can no longer revise it, which is why this has to be done immediately after you start the auction.

4. In the “Revise Item page, scroll halfway down until you see “Describe the item you’re selling”. Initially, this will show the “Standard” view, the graphic view as it appears in your auction, and you will need to switch to the HTML view.

5. Click on the “HTML” tab here, and scroll that area down until you see the code for the list of related items. Around each title paste the tag with the appropriate URL for that auction, which you will get from the other tabs in your browser window.

Here’s what mine looked like when I had finished pasting in the URLs:

6. Then click “Continue” at the bottom of this page and “Submit changes” at the bottom of the next page, and you’ve linked this auction with the others!

You’ll need to repeat this process for each of your other related auctions, but once you become familiar with it, it doesn’t take long.

I can’t guarantee that linking your auctions will increase your sales, but it may well make things easier for you. A couple of months ago I sold six lots of 35mm film that I had decided I wasn’t going to use any more, and the same person bought four of them. It saved him money on shipping, and it saved me time and effort on both packing and shipping. It was a win for both of us.

P.S. Yes, I admit it — in 1967 I was a Monkees fan.

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